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Micron's CHIPS funding supports first two fabs in Clay. Then what?

President Joe Biden toured the Micron exhibit in The MOST during his April 25, 2024 visit to Syracuse.
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President Joe Biden toured the Micron exhibit in The MOST during his April 25, 2024 visit to Syracuse.

Micron was awarded $6.1 billion in CHIPS federal funding to support projects in Boise, Idaho and the planned central New York megafab.

"It's the single-biggest private investment ever in the history of these two states — Idaho and, you know, New York," President Joe Biden said at the funding announcement in Syracuse. "So far from — not far from here, in Clay, New York, it’s going to help build two to four manufacturing facilities."

Micron CEO and President Sanjay Mehrotra said the CHIPS funding supports one fab in Boise and two fabs in Clay, amounting to about a $50 billion investment through 2030.

"We are extremely focused on getting that going and getting that successfully achieved and really making high volume, cost competitive of semiconductor memory production here, successful here in the US," Mehrotra said. "And of course as we make that successful and with support from the government and with our technology and manufacturing leadership, we will be able to then work on our vision to bring four fabs here to New York with an investment of over $100 billion over 20 years."

Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon said environmental reviews on the White Pine Commerce Park site are ongoing. That step needs to be completed prior to breaking ground to identify and mitigate any impacts to the community.

"We expect that to be complete later on this year," McMahon said. "But in addition to that, Micron is going to be bringing on their design team in short order, their construction management, and then their general contractor. So you'll see real movement there. These companies will be looking to set up shop here in our community, and that will be the first real impact from the supply chain."

Micron aims to break ground next year.

Ava Pukatch joined the WRVO news team in September 2022. She previously reported for WCHL in Chapel Hill, NC and earned a degree in Journalism and Media from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At UNC, Ava was a Stembler Scholar and a reporter and producer for the award-winning UNC Hussman broadcast Carolina Connection. In her free time, Ava enjoys theatre, coffee and cheering on Tar Heel sports. Find her on Twitter @apukatch.