Scriba town officials are considering delaying a referendum that could lead to replacing one of its elected official who was arrested for drinking and driving. Scriba's new Highway Superintendent Michael Barry was arrested last July, with a blood alcohol content level of .14, and charged with a DWI. But, town residents didn't know about the arrest until after the November election.
Scriba officials were planning a February referendum that would change the highway superintendent job from an elected position to an appointed one. Town Supervisor Ken Burdick said he would then replace Barry with an interim superintendent until November when another referendum would be added to the ballot, switching it back to an elected position again. But now, Burdick said the town board is considering a new target date for the vote. They are planning to discuss the issue at their next meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 17.
Meanwhile, Barry has managed to delay his court case several times since he was initially arraigned last summer. He is due in court on March 8.