The Syracuse Fire Department said it is in desperate need of two new fire trucks after two trucks reached the end of their useful life last year. The trucks will cost $1 million each and take one year to be built. Fire Chief Paul Linnertz said there are parts from the old trucks in great shape that can be reused on the new trucks. That could save the city hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“A fire truck sits in a fire station a great deal of its time, thankfully," Linnertz said. "We can reuse those components and that’s what we’re planning on doing. We’re going to take the components from this truck, ship them to the manufacturer and they’re going to put them on the new vehicle that they build.”
Linnertz said industry standards changed so the useful life of the vehicles went down from 20 to 15 years. The funding has to be approved by the Syracuse Common Council. Councilor Steven Thompson said while he knows it seems like it may cost the city a lot, he agrees with Linnertz' plan to buy two new trucks now then one new truck every other year.
"These are specialized custom vehicles that he has to order," Thompson said. "My belief is that the system that he has come up with will work well for the city.”
The new trucks will ensure the Syracuse Fire Department keeps its top level rating, which gives significant insurance savings to commercial properties in the city.