The operators of health centers, and the clients they serve who have HIV or AIDS, say a change that Gov. Kathy Hochul wants to make to a drug benefit plan could end key services for society's most vulnerable people.
The walk, which raises awareness about the fight against HIV and AIDS, is holding its first in-person event since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
In 1987, NPR's Patricia Neighmond first profiled Archie Harrison, a young man living with HIV. What followed was a year of highs and lows, of recovery and acceptance.
With his head propped up by pillows and photos of better days tacked on the wall beside him, Ronald “Ronny” Smith, with help from his mom, Denise, made a…
Doctors and activists who worked through the early years of AIDS say there are similarities between those days and the current pandemic — and insights that could help shape strategy.
While there has been tremendous progress made in reducing the amount of HIV infections in New York State over the past two decades, more recently, the…
The latest numbers of new HIV/AIDS infections in New York State show a dramatic reduction in one particular population. AIDS activists say it’s proof the…
It’s been two years since the state announced a goal of ending the AIDS epidemic by 2020. Achieving that goal is on the horizon, according to one local…
A medication that prevents the transmission of HIV can help quell the AIDS epidemic if the people at risk for contracting the virus reliably take the…
It’s been a little over two years since Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a goal of ending the AIDS epidemic in New York state by 2020. The man who runs the…