Variety: Camel Caravan “Benny Goodman’s Swing School” 11/16/37 CBS, Birds Eye Open House “Guest: Charles Laughton” 5/24/45 NBC.
Variety: Camel Caravan “Benny Goodman’s Swing School” 11/16/37 CBS, Birds Eye Open House “Guest: Charles Laughton” 5/24/45 NBC.
Variety: Birds Eye Open House 10/4/45 NBC, Bing Crosby Show “Guest: Jimmy Stewart” 10/23/52 CBS.
Variety: Birds Eye Open House 10/4/45 NBC, Bing Crosby Show “Guest: Jimmy Stewart” 10/23/52 CBS.
Variety: The Great Talent Hunt 4/6/48 MBS, Birds Eye Open House with Dinah Shore “Guest: Herbert Marshall” 5/18/44 CBS.
Variety: The Great Talent Hunt 4/6/48 MBS, Birds Eye Open House with Dinah Shore “Guest: Herbert Marshall” 5/18/44 CBS.
Variety: Birds Eye Open House 1/25/45 NBC, Eyes Aloft “#14 Gas Rationing News” 11/16/42 NBC.
Variety: Birds Eye Open House 1/25/45 NBC, Eyes Aloft “#14 Gas Rationing News” 11/16/42 NBC.