For months, COVID-19 and interference by Trump officials delayed the release of new census demographic data used to redraw voting districts, forcing some state and local elections to be pushed back.
The 2020 census results are months overdue after COVID-19 upended the national count. Efforts to extend reporting deadlines stalled last year after Trump officials decided to cut short counting.
If confirmed by the Senate, Robert Santos, president of the American Statistical Association, would be the bureau's first permanent director of color overseeing the national count and major surveys.
A little-known process determines your state's representation in Congress and the Electoral College. Trump wants to try to change it by excluding unauthorized immigrants for the first time in history.
In a 2-1 vote, the court tossed out a lawsuit, one of several working through the courts, that challenged a memo on excluding unauthorized immigrants from numbers that reset the Electoral College map.
NPR has confirmed the Census Bureau will end door knocking at unresponsive homes on Sept. 30 amid growing concerns the White House is pressuring the bureau to stop counting soon for political gain.
Because of COVID-19, the Census Bureau says it can no longer deliver 2020 census results by the legal deadlines and needs extensions. So far, only Democrats have shown support for that request.
The Constitution says the count used to divide up seats in Congress must include every person living in the U.S. President Trump is calling for unauthorized immigrants to be left out.
The president is calling for unauthorized immigrants to be excluded from census numbers used to divide seats in Congress. The Constitution says the count must include every person living in the U.S.
After delaying in-person visits because of COVID-19, Census Bureau workers are heading to unresponsive homes in Idaho, Maine and West Virginia, as well as parts of Louisiana, Missouri and Oklahoma.