Sutton, who appeared in more than 100 movies, plays and television shows over a career that spanned almost 50 years, died this past week of complications from the coronavirus.
Pride died Saturday from complications of COVID-19 in Dallas. The baritone-voiced singer was the first Black man inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.
The No. 1 and 2 causes of death remain the same, but there have been a number of notable changes. And now there's a new disease to assess on the global landscape: COVID-19.
A growing trend in high-stress, demanding jobs is the “positive stress movement,” when people expose themselves to extreme temperatures, diets and…
Choking, fires, and motor vehicle crashes are all accidents that can cause otherwise preventable deaths. Easy tasks like knowing CPR, having smoke…
The disclosure invariably begins with, "This may sound crazy."That's how psychologist Jeffrey Schweitzer can tell a bereaved person is about to relay a…
When Rebecca Soffer lost both of her parents in her early thirties, she realized how isolating grief can be. She envisioned a community of younger adults…
A Syracuse University professor will be spending the next several months thinking about death, as part of a grant by the Immortality Project at the…
Most people don't want to make plans for their own death, or for the death of their loved ones. But talking about death can assure that needs and wishes…
Nobody likes talking about death, but experts say having a conversation is an important part of making sure death is as comfortable as possible. This week…