Fred Fiske discusses his new book, "The Grocer Who Sold McCarthyism: The Rise and Fall of Anti-Communist Crusader Laurence A. Johnson".
Fred Fiske discusses his new book, "The Grocer Who Sold McCarthyism: The Rise and Fall of Anti-Communist Crusader Laurence A. Johnson."
The Onondaga Historical Association will get a revamped space thanks to a grant secured by Assemblyman Bill Magnarelli.
A weekend ceremony will celebrate the release of the Dr. Mary Walker quarter and attendees will receive their very own.
The Dunbar Association and the Onondaga Historical Association are working to preserve Syracuse's Black history to encourage diversity, equity and inclusion.
On this week's episode of the Campbell Conversations, Grant Reeher speaks with Robert Searing, Curator of History at the Onondaga Historical Association, as well as a teacher of history at SUNY Cortland and Tompkins-Cortland Community College. Searing also pens a regular history column for the Syracuse Post-Standard.
On this week's episode of the Campbell Conversations, Grant Reeher speaks with Robert Searing, Curator of History at the Onondaga Historical Association, as well as a teacher of history at SUNY Cortland and Tompkins-Cortland Community College. Searing also pens a regular history column for the Syracuse Post-Standard.
Scientists found that the outer stones of the prehistoric structure originated about 15 miles away from where the structure stands.
The National Historic Trust's African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund gave out $1.6 million in grants to sites that tell American history "through the lens of Black humanity and identity."
Without gospel music there never would have been an Elvis Presley. There never would have been a Ray Charles, or a James Brown. From the mid-twentieth…