Comedy: Front Line Theater “Someone Suitable” 3/12/44 AFRS, Lum and Abner “Cedric the Hermit” 6/12/42 NBC Blue, Vic and Sade 2/17/42 NBC Blue.
Comedy: Front Line Theater “Someone Suitable” 3/12/44 AFRS, Lum and Abner “Cedric the Hermit” 6/12/42 NBC Blue, Vic and Sade 2/17/42 NBC Blue.
Independence Day Special: Makers of History “Declaration of Independence” 1935 Syndicated, Voice of the Army “The Star Spangled Banner” March 1949 Syndicated, Yankee Yarns “Fourth of July” 7/1/51 Syndicated, Lum and Abner “Fourth of July Picnic” 7/4/45 ABC.
Independence Day Special: Makers of History “Declaration of Independence” 1935 Syndicated, Voice of the Army “The Star Spangled Banner” March 1949 Syndicated, Yankee Yarns “Fourth of July” 7/1/51 Syndicated, Lum and Abner “Fourth of July Picnic” 7/4/45 ABC.
Comedy: Front Line Theater “Someone Suitable” 3/12/44 AFRS, Lum and Abner “Cedric the Hermit” 6/12/42 NBC Blue, Vic and Sade 2/17/42 NBC Blue.
Comedy: Front Line Theater “Someone Suitable” 3/12/44 AFRS, Lum and Abner “Cedric the Hermit” 6/12/42 NBC Blue, Vic and Sade 2/17/42 NBC Blue.