Crime: Richard Diamond, Private Detective “The Yo-Yo” 12/17/49 NBC, Mr. and Mrs. North “Touch of Death” 1954 Syndicated.
Crime: Richard Diamond, Private Detective “The Yo-Yo” 12/17/49 NBC, Mr. and Mrs. North “Touch of Death” 1954 Syndicated.
Mystery: Hercule Poirot “The Deadest Man in the World” 7/19/45 MBS, Mr. and Mrs. North “Honey Jones” Early 1950’s CBS.
Mystery: Hercule Poirot “The Deadest Man in the World” 7/19/45 MBS, Mr. and Mrs. North “Honey Jones” Early 1950’s CBS.
Mystery: Hercule Poirot “The Deadest Man in the World” 7/19/45 MBS, Mr. and Mrs. North “Honey Jones” early 1950’s CBS.
Mystery: Hercule Poirot “The Deadest Man in the World” 7/19/45 MBS, Mr. and Mrs. North “Honey Jones” early 1950’s CBS.
Mystery: Nick Carter, Master Detective “The Numbers Murders” 10/1/44 MBS, Mr. and Mrs. North “The Premature Corpse” 2/12/52 CBS.
Mystery: Nick Carter, Master Detective “The Numbers Murders” 10/1/44 MBS, Mr. and Mrs. North “The Premature Corpse” 2/12/52 CBS.
Mystery: Mr. and Mrs. North “The Crooked Ring” 8/25/53 CBS / AFRS, Adventures of Leonidas Witherall “Dandy’s Dream Domicile” 9/7/43 MBS.
Mystery: Mr. and Mrs. North “The Crooked Ring” 8/25/53 CBS / AFRS, Adventures of Leonidas Witherall “Dandy’s Dream Domicile” 9/7/43 MBS.