WRVO has good news for listeners in Ithaca! We're now available on your radio at 88.9-FM, a frequency that should reach many more Ithaca-area listeners.
October brings some changes to your weekends on WRVO. Five new programs join the weekend schedule. Read an update from Station Manager Bill Drake and download a copy of the new schedule.
Update (10/26/20) -- Thanks to everyone who contributed to WRVO's fall fundraiser, helping us raise more than $142,000. We'll use that money to pay for…
As events this year have reminded us so forcefully, no matter what’s happening in the world, around the country, or here in our own community, access to…
WRVO's spring fundraiser started Saturday, March 7, and was scheduled to last until 12 p.m. on Saturday, March 14. Throughout the on-air portion of our…
[Updated 3/12/20] Due to current events, including ongoing coverage of the coronavirus, WRVO has made the decision to suspend the on-air portion of our…
You’ve counted on WRVO for 50 years to provide you with in-depth, commercial-free news and analysis. As we look forward to the next 50 years we are…
Our members make everything you hear on WRVO possible. From live coverage of Senate Judiciary hearings to reports on flooding from the shore of Lake…
We're welcoming members, listeners and SUNY Oswego alumni to the station this June to say thank you for your support over the past 50 years. Come to enjoy…
WRVO Public Media is celebrating a milestone in 2019. On January 6, 1969, WRVO aired its very first broadcast. Through the year, we'll be commemorating…