Tuned to Yesterday - Collection Curios
Below is a list of all "Collection Curios" episodes of "Tuned to Yesterday."

Collection Curios: Nightmare "The Purple Cloud" 11/19/53 MBS, Relay Quiz audition WHK, Book of Memories #19 Syndicated.
Collection Curios: Art Baker's Notebook 7/1/47 Syndicated, Your Hope Chest 10/12/47 CBS Pacific, John J. Anthony 4/14/45 MBS.
Collection Curios: Queen's Men "Harry Prescott Story" 1954 Syndicated, McGarry and His Mouse 6/26/46 NBC.
Collection Curios: Suspicion "Double Cross" 1935 Syndicated, The Big Guy "The Case Of The Villainous Friend" 8/27/50 NBC, Word Detective "Tangerine" 1959 Syndicated.
Collection Curios: Flair with Dick Van Dyke April 1963 ABC, Meet the Press “Guest: John F. Kennedy” 1/14/54 NBC.
Collection Curios: Granby’s Green Acres 7/24/50 CBS, Take a Note (excerpt) 4/17/39 MBS, Front Page Drama 8/29/36 Syndicated.
Collection Curios: Treasury Agent 1957 MBS, Stroke of Fate 10/11/53 NBC.
Collection Curios: Bill Williams Show 8/16/51 Audition, Tales from the Diamond K 1951 Syndicated.
Collection Curios: Meet the Menjous 1950 Syndicated, Smiley Burnette Show 1950 Syndicated, Thrills of the Highway Patrol 6/15/38 MBS, The Player 1948 Syndicated.
Collection Curios: Answer Man (excerpts) 11/23/44 MBS, Dave Elman’s Radio Auction Gallery 4/14/45 MBS, Errand of Mercy “Hang Your Clothes on a Hickory Limb” later 1940’s Syndicated.