The announcement provides needed momentum for global climate change negotiations in November, but coal power is expected to keep growing within China itself.
An intern accused a well-known TV anchor of forcibly kissing her. In a ruling this week, a Beijing court found that it could not determine whether sexual harassment had occurred.
In only their second call since Biden took office, the two leaders spoke about "the responsibility of both nations to ensure competition does not veer into conflict," according to the White House.
A woman's account of her alleged rape by her manager at the Chinese tech company has gone viral, spurring conversations across the country about sexual abuse in the workplace.
In announcing the move, the White House cited "strong support for people in Hong Kong in the face of ongoing repression by the People's Republic of China."
The staunch advocate of social justice and rural development was found guilty of eight charges. His harsh prison sentence comes amid broader efforts by authorities to rein in powerful businessmen.
Facing a declining birthrate, China will allow married couples to have up to three children. This raises the previous ceiling of two children.
In an NPR interview, H.R. McMaster says the United States and its allies need to compete more effectively with China. He also urges a multinational approach for dealing with Beijing militarily.