Just the Vox, ma'am: This animated fantasy series loses some of what makes the web series it's based on so richly rewarding, but those coming in fresh will get caught up in its characters and story.
Every year, there are more and more holiday movies, many of which revisit the same beloved (?) tropes again and again. We take a thorough look at this year's crop.
Each week, the guests and hosts on NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour share what's bringing them joy. This week: the show Love Life, the podcast The Shrink Next Door and more.
In a rare dive into personal territory, Branagh details growing up amid the Troubles in Northern Ireland. But despite some lovely moments, Belfast feels guarded in its telling.
Edgar Wright delivers a technically proficient but punishingly contrived genre mashup involving romance, time travel, murder, sex work and nostalgia.
Each week, the guests and hosts on NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour share what's bringing them joy. This week: Spirit Halloween videos, the podcast Suspect, and more.
DC Comics announced that Superman's teenage son will be romantically involved with a male friend in a comic to be published in November. It's a growing trend.
From being a regular at the White House to Saturday Night Live, Grohl writes about his life in his new memoir, “The Storyteller.”
Craig has been a terrific James Bond, maybe even the best. But there's something a little too strained about the tragic emotional arc his character has carried with over the past several movies.
The last James Bond movie to star Daniel Craig is out today; Chris Klimek argues that Craig is the "bookend Bond," showing us 007 at the beginning and end, but never the prime of his career.