The WRVO Community Forum series brings together experts to discuss timely topics of regional significance. These events are recorded for broadcast on WRVO and for playback or download on any of your devices.
Past Community Forum Events:
Health forum: "Elder care: a community forum" [September 2014 in Ithaca]
Health forum: "The heroin epidemic: how it's impacting upstate New York" [June 2014 in Syracuse]
Health forum: "Childhood nutrition and physical fitness" [May 2014 in Syracuse]
Health forum: "The State of Mental Health Care in New York State" [April 2014 in Utica]
Health forum: "Health care for veterans & the military" [September 2013 in Watertown]
Health forum "How do changes in government funding of healthcare affect upstate New York?" [June 2013 in Oswego]
Living Longer, Living Better: Created and sustaining the academic-clinical-business partnerships that drive innovation for aging in place [October 2012 in Dewitt]
What's powering your computer screen? [November 2011 in Syracuse]
WRVO has also hosted community forums on public education funding, the science of hydrofracking, how veterans reintegrate into central New York, a debate between those running for mayor of Syracuse in 2009, higher education in the new economy, and federal stimulus in central New York. A list of panelists and more information on our archived community forum discussions are also available.
This forum aired on Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 7 p.m. As the baby boomer generation ages and people live longer, individuals and communities are…
This forum aired on Sunday, July 20 at 7 p.m. Heroin is the latest illegal drug to become a scourge on communities in upstate New York and throughout the…
Everyone from doctors to educators to first lady Michelle Obama seems to be concerned about the nutrition and physical activity children in this country…
This forum will air on Sunday, June 15 at 7 p.m. on WRVO. Listen locally on your radio, on your smart phone or tablet device, or online.Keeping children…
This health forum broadcast on WRVO Sunday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m.The forum explored the current situation for mental health care particularly in upstate New…
This health forum broadcast on WRVO Sunday, November 17 at 7 p.m.This forum will explore how upstate New York communities deal with providing health care…
Join us for the first in a series of community forums on health care.Sequestration, the Affordable Care Act, funding for Medicare and Medicaid all affect…
Creating and Sustaining the Academic-Clinical-Business Partnerships that Drive Innovation for Aging in PlaceA panel discussion moderated by Catherine…
We're drilling for gas, planning pipes from Canadian tar sands, and pumping millions of dollars into green energy projects. But the energy mix that we'll…
Culture in Pakistan is under threat from widespread insecurity, ultra-conservative religious intolerance and police harassment. In a special edition of…