What is Parkinson’s disease? Upstate physical therapist Julie Lombardi describes this disabling illness and explains how moderate to vigorous activities -- including non-contact boxing -- can be beneficial in this week's "HealthLink on Air." Lombardi serves on the board of Empower Parkinson Inc., the charity that was selected by Upstate this year to receive volunteer support and up to $5,000 in funding through 2024.
Also on the show, teenagers with social adjustment issues are learning to better understand and relate to others through the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. Psychologist Robin Dean runs such a group and tracks the progress of individual teens. She is a doctor of psychology and an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Upstate.
And a runner who is an Upstate physical therapist tells how someone can take up the pastime and how she trains. Bethany Hudson was the fastest of the Upstate runners in the Syracuse Workforce Run this year. It’s a 5K race, which she finished in 19 minutes, 5 seconds, placing 26th out of a field of more than 2,200 runners. And she was 10 seconds faster than the year before. She discusses why she enjoys running, how often she runs and the common running injuries she sees as a physical therapist.
Listen to Healthlink on Air every Sunday at 6 a.m. on WRVO.