Green Party candidate for lieutenant governor Jia Lee is pushing for more funding and less standardized testing and segregation in public schools. Lee, an…
New York state’s education commissioner said Tuesday that new state-specific learning standards will offer several improvements over the controversial…
Testing season has begun in schools across New York state. It’s unclear how many students will join the opt-out movement this year, but state officials…
New York state’s education commissioner said she’s fighting a proposal by her predecessor, now the federal education secretary, to punish schools with a…
Education groups, dismayed by the federal education secretary’s threat to punish schools in New York with high opt-out rates for standardized tests, say…
Almost 98 percent of school budgets were approved in statewide voting Tuesday, including the majority of school districts asking for overrides of the…
The controversial math and English language tests for children in grades 3-8 begin in public schools across New York state today. Opposition to the tests…
Standardized test season is approaching for students across New York state. State Education Department officials are hoping there won’t be a repeat of…
New York State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia spent nearly four hours before the legislative budget committees Wednesday. Though there is currently…
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is trying to address the controversy over the use of Common Core standards in the state's public schools. Thursday he made his strongest…