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Weekdays at 6:32 p.m. - after the 6:30 p.m. newscast

StarDate tells listeners what to look for in the night sky, and explains the science, history, and skylore behind these objects. It also keeps listeners up to date on the latest research findings and space missions. And it offers tidbits on astronomy in the arts and popular culture, providing ways for people with diverse interests to keep up with the universe.

StarDate debuted in 1978, making it the longest-running national radio science feature in the country. It airs on more than 300 radio stations. It has been hosted by Billy Henry since July 2019.

StarDate is a production of The University of Texas McDonald Observatory, which also produces the Spanish-language Universo Online website and the bi-monthly StarDate magazine. More information can be found on their program website.

  • Millions of black holes inhabit our home galaxy, the Milky Way. Most of them probably roam the galaxy alone, so we never see them. Luckily for science, though, many of them have companion stars. That makes it possible for astronomers to “see” and learn about the black holes. An example is a system called Swift J1357. It was discovered in 2011 by Swift, a space telescope that studies the X-ray sky. The system is thousands of light-years away, and appears to be outside the galaxy’s disk of stars. J1357 consists of two objects: a black hole and a small, faint companion star. The black hole’s gravity pulls in hot gas from the companion. The gas spirals around the black hole, heating up and forming a faint disk. The black hole appears to be at least nine times the mass of the Sun. It and the companion orbit each other once every two and a half hours — one of the tighter orbits of any known black-hole binary system. J1357 produces outbursts of X-rays every few years. They may occur when too much gas piles up in the disk. It gets so hot that it causes an eruption of particles and energy — an outburst that reveals more about this intriguing system. Swift J1357 is much too faint to see with the eye alone, but we can spot its location. It’s close to the left of Spica, the brightest star of Virgo. It’s about a third of the way up the southeastern sky at nightfall. Script by Damond Benningfield
  • Jupiter is missing. The solar system’s biggest and heaviest planet is nowhere to be seen. And it won’t return to view for a few weeks. Jupiter is passing behind the Sun as seen from Earth, so it’s hidden in the Sun’s brilliant glare. It’ll be closest to the Sun on Saturday afternoon. That point is known as conjunction, and it happens every 12 and a half months. Jupiter is known as a “superior” planet. That means its orbit is outside Earth’s orbit around the Sun. So Jupiter sometimes lines up directly opposite the Sun in our sky, shining brightly all night long. About half a year later, though, it passes behind the Sun and out of sight. The planet doesn’t necessarily pass directly behind the Sun. This time, for example, it slides about half a degree from the Sun — less than the width of your finger held at arm’s length. Even so, it’s so close to the Sun that astronomers can’t point their telescopes toward it. And radio “static” from the Sun means that flight controllers lose contact with spacecraft at Jupiter for a while. The craft operate on their own, and save their observations to beam to Earth when the Sun is out of the way. For casual skywatchers, Jupiter should return to view in a month or so. It’ll be quite low in the eastern sky during the dawn twilight. It’ll be in better view as we move into summer — climbing farther from the Sun, and shining like a brilliant beacon in the early morning sky. Script by Damond Benningfield
  • The Moon and the heart of the lion stand close together this evening. The lion’s heart is the star Regulus, to the lower right of the Moon at nightfall. We see Regulus and the Moon for different reasons. Regulus is a star — a brilliant ball of hot gas. It generates its own light — so much light that it’s visible across almost 80 light-years. That means we see Regulus as it looked almost 80 years ago. So if anything big were to happen to the star tonight, Earth wouldn’t know it until early in the 22nd century. The Moon doesn’t produce any light of its own. Instead, it reflects sunlight. The Moon looks big and bright only because it’s far closer to us than any other celestial object — an average of about a quarter of a million miles. That’s a bit more than one light-second, so we see the Moon as it looked a bit more than one second earlier. Tonight, the Sun lights up a little more than half of the lunar hemisphere that faces our way. Many people think of that phase as a “half” Moon. And based on its appearance alone, that’s perfectly correct. But a “half” Moon is also known as a quarter Moon. And at the current angle, it’s the first quarter Moon. That may sound confusing, but there’s a simple explanation: At first quarter, the Moon is one-fourth of the way through its month-long cycle of phases. It’s half of the way through the cycle when it’s full. And the cycle starts over at new Moon — when it’s not visible at all. Script by Damond Benningfield
  • A binary star system about 30 million light-years away is an impostor. When astronomers first saw it, they thought it was a supernova — the titanic explosion of a massive star. They even called it one: Supernova 2000ch. But the system is still there. The system is in the spiral galaxy NGC 3432, in a clump of young, bright, heavy stars. By the end of last year, 2000ch had produced 23 outbursts. They’ve been about six and a half months apart. Based on that interval, the way the system brightens and fades, and other details, astronomers have developed a model of what’s going on. The system’s main star is dozens of times the mass of the Sun, and a million times brighter. It’s also unstable — it puffs in and out. A smaller companion star follows a lopsided orbit. During its close approaches, it stirs up the brighter star, triggering an outburst. And if the main star is in its “puffier” phase, then the outburst is especially bright. The system may be building up to a much bigger outburst in the fairly near future. And after that, the massive star could explode as a supernova — no longer an “impostor,” but the real thing. NGC 3432 is in Leo Minor, the little lion. It’s too faint to see without a telescope. But it’s high above the Moon as darkness falls tonight. The bright star Regulus — the heart of the big lion — is to the left of the Moon. More about that meeting tomorrow. Script by Damond Benningfield
  • Beta Pictoris is one of the more famous of all star systems. It’s also one of the most complex. It includes a young star, at least two giant planets, lots of gas and dust, and a “cat’s tail” that might be the result of a giant impact. The star is almost 65 light-years away. It’s about twice as big and heavy as the Sun, and almost 10 times as bright. In 1983, an infrared space telescope discovered a disk of gas and dust around Beta Pic. It spans hundreds of billions of miles, and contains several wide belts. The belts may consist of debris left over from the collisions of comets and asteroids. Gaps between the belts contain two known planets. Both of them are more than 10 times the mass of Jupiter, the giant of our own solar system. One of them orbits the star once every three and a third years; the other, once every 24 years. A smaller second disk also encircles Beta Pic. Last year, Webb Space Telescope discovered a “cat’s tail” of debris curling away from it. It might have formed about a century ago, when a collision between giant chunks of rock and ice shattered the bodies, splashing debris up and away from the disk. Beta Pictoris is still an infant — it’s only about 25 million years old. So the building blocks around it could still be coming together to make more planets, while others could be destroyed in more big collisions — adding to the complexity of this well-known star system. Script by Damond Benningfield
  • The Moon passes especially close to the star Pollux tonight — the brighter “twin” of Gemini. The star stands just to the right of the Moon at nightfall. The other twin, Castor, is farther along the same line. The Moon always passes closer to Pollux than to Castor. That’s because of the relationships of the three bodies to the ecliptic — the Sun’s path across the sky. The Moon’s orbit is tilted a bit with respect to the ecliptic. Over the course of a month, it meanders to either side of the ecliptic. And over a period of almost two decades, its maximum distance from the ecliptic varies as well. At most, the Moon can appear 6.6 degrees from the ecliptic — the width of three fingers held at arm’s length. So the Moon can pass close to, or even cover up, any star or planet within that distance from the ecliptic. Pollux and Castor are outside that zone. Pollux is 6.7 degrees from the ecliptic, while Castor is about 10 degrees away. So the Moon can sometimes appear to almost touch Pollux, while always keeping a little bigger gap with Castor. Over millennia, the ecliptic shifts with respect to the background of stars. So for thousands of years, the Moon could sometimes pass in front of Pollux, hiding it from view. That last happened about 2100 years ago. Pollux will move back into the Moon’s range in about 10,000 years — setting up some especially close encounters. Script by Damond Benningfield
  • It’s hard to think of the White Sands region of New Mexico as confining. It covers thousands of square miles, and few people live there. In the late 1940s, though, the U.S. military was feeling hemmed in. It was launching rockets from White Sands. They could go high, but they couldn’t go very far without flying over towns or cities — a possible danger to residents. So Congress passed a bill establishing the Joint Long-Range Proving Ground at Cape Canaveral, on the Atlantic coast of Florida. President Harry Truman signed it into law 75 years ago today. “The Cape,” as it’s been known for most of those years, offered many advantages. The region had a small population, the climate wasn’t too extreme, and there were thousands and thousands of miles of ocean to plop rockets into. Launches to orbit have benefited from its southern location — rockets get a “boost” from Earth’s rotation. It took a year to clear away some of the scrub and build the early launch pads. The U.S. Army launched its first rocket there in July of 1950 — an American-built version of the German V-2 terror weapon. Since then, thousands of rockets have taken flight from the Cape and the facilities on nearby Merritt Island. They’ve sent satellites into orbit, astronauts to the Moon, and probes to all the planets of the solar system — and beyond. And today, the facilities are busier than ever — at the first American spaceport. Script by Damond Benningfield
  • Science and science fiction can intertwine in some interesting ways. Consider krypton — the chemical element and the fictional planet. The element was discovered in 1898. It makes up a tiny fraction of Earth’s atmosphere — about one part in a million. It’s colorless, odorless, and tasteless. And it almost never reacts with other matter. It’s used in some fluorescent light bulbs and in lasers. In 1938, the creators of “Superman” needed a home planet for their visitor from another world. They named it Krypton, after the element, and wrote that the planet had exploded. As scientists learned more about how elements form, they calculated that krypton must be forged in supernovas — the explosions of massive stars. The immense energy smashes together atoms to make heavier ones. The elements are fired into space, where they can be incorporated into new stars and planets. And that’s where Earth’s krypton came from. Some is in the air, but a little bit is found in the solid planet. A few years ago, scientists studied some radioactive forms of krypton far below the surface. The krypton matched that found in meteorites. The scientists concluded that big space rocks brought not only krypton, but water, carbon, and other essential ingredients as Earth was taking shape. So an element found on Earth and immortalized in the comics came from exploding stars — and played a role in learning about the formation of Earth. Script by Damond Benningfield
  • The names of the stars that are visible in the night sky can be obscure. But that’s not the case for the star known as Elnath. The name comes from Arabic, and it means “the butting one.” That makes perfect sense when you consider that it forms the tip of one of the horns of Taurus, the bull. It’s the second brightest star in the constellation. Elnath is quite impressive. It’s about five times the mass of the Sun, more than four times wider than the Sun, and about 700 times brighter. Its surface is much hotter than the Sun’s, so Elnath shines almost pure white. And the star is only about 100 million years old, compared to four and a half billion years for the Sun. Look for Elnath near the crescent Moon the next couple of nights, quite low in the early evening sky. It’s above the Moon tonight, and closer to the lower right of the Moon tomorrow night. Elnath was the favorite star name of Sandy Wood, my predecessor as the host of Star Date. After first hearing the name, she jokingly decided that she wanted to be called “the butting one,” and often signed her emails to colleagues as simply “Nath.” Sandy passed away earlier this year. She was with Star Date for 28 years and more than 10,000 episodes. She won fans around the country and around the world. Her warmth, kindness, and giddy sense of humor were legendary. A friend and colleague perhaps described her best: She was joy in human form. Sandy Wood will be missed — and remembered. Script by Damond Benningfield
  • It’s easy to see pictures in the night sky. Just pick out some stars and connect them to make a pattern. The skywatchers of ancient Babylon linked some stars to show a man pouring water from a jar. Today, that picture is known as Aquarius, the water bearer. The constellation is in the east-southeast before dawn. Near the left side of the constellation, you’ll find a much smaller star picture: a bowling ball scattering some pins. The ball is the planet Saturn, which looks like a bright star. And the pins are represented by five stars of Aquarius. The stars are faint, so you need dark skies to see them, and binoculars will enhance the view. The brightest of the five stars is to the upper left of Saturn by less than the width of a pencil held at arm’s length. Phi Aquarii consists of two stars. The brighter one is about as massive as the Sun, but many times larger. That’s because it’s billions of years older than the Sun, so it’s moved from the prime life into the next phase. About the same distance to the lower right of Saturn is Chi Aquarii. It’s a giant as well, but even bigger and brighter. That makes it visible across 600 light-years of space. Finally, three stars are a little farther along that line —Psi 1, 2, and 3 Aquarii. The brightest is number one — a triple star 150 light-years away. Saturn will roll past the stars over the coming days — leaving some faint “bowling pins” behind. Script by Damond Benningfield