Republican Rep. John Katko is the first incumbent in more than a decade to be reelected to the 24th Congressional District. The district flipped back and…
For many voters going to the ballot box, choosing a candidate can be tough. With different candidates and issues on the ballot, it can be hard to figure…
Bipartisanship was once again a key focus in the last debate between the two candidates running in the 24th Congressional District. Incumbent Rep. John…
Democrats across central New York are making their final push for votes before Election Day. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) rallied volunteers in Syracuse…
Syracuse University professor and former Democratic congressional candidate Eric Kingson is doubling down on his criticism of Rep. John Kakto…
The two candidates running in the 24th Congressional District converged in Auburn Wednesday to separately address the issue of toxins in Owasco Lake in…
Republican Rep. John Katko and Democratic challenger Colleen Deacon had their first televised debate Tuesday on Time Warner Cable News. The two candidates…
With less than three weeks to go until Election Day, candidates for office around central and northern New York have been holding debates. The candidates…
By now, most central New Yorkers have seen several political ads from both candidates running for the 24th Congressional District. Incumbent Rep. John…
WRVO will air the first debate between Republican John Katko and Democrat Colleen Deacon on Thursday, October 20 at 6 p.m. Grant Reeher, host of “The…