New York state is in the midst of getting public input for its version of the Every Student Succeeds Act. That federal legislation, also known as ESSA, is…
New York state’s education commissioner said Tuesday that new state-specific learning standards will offer several improvements over the controversial…
Standardized test season is approaching for students across New York state. State Education Department officials are hoping there won’t be a repeat of…
It’s a time of educational upheaval in New York. Changes are piling up fast -- the state Board of Regents delayed state tests’ impact on teacher…
The state’s education commissioner said parents who are thinking of opting their children out of standardized tests again this school year should stick…
New York State Education officials say there’s some improvement in the Common Core aligned math and English tests taken by third through eighth graders…
The head of New York’s public higher education system says the Common Core education standards better prepare students for college.SUNY Chancellor Nancy…
A major part of Common Core learning standards is a standardized testing system. A system that many have taken issue with.“I’m all for setting the bar…
A new assessment for students seeking teacher certification in New York state has been causing controversy. Implementation of the educative teacher…
Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino is 30 points behind incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the polls. But Astorino says he is undeterred, and has…