Drama: Seven Front Street “The Sheik” 5/4/47 MBS, Hollywood Star Time “Elmer the Great” 1/24/48 NBC.
Drama: Seven Front Street “The Sheik” 5/4/47 MBS, Hollywood Star Time “Elmer the Great” 1/24/48 NBC.
Drama: Seven Front Street “The Sheik” 5/4/47 MBS, Hollywood Star Time “Elmer the Great” 1/24/48 NBC.
Drama: Seven Front Street “The Sheik” 5/4/47 MBS, Hollywood Star Time “Elmer the Great” 1/24/48 NBC.
Western: Hollywood Star Time “Riders of the Purple Sage” 5/12/46 CBS, Frontier Gentleman “Advice to the Lovelorn” 5/18/58 CBS.
Western: Hollywood Star Time “Riders of the Purple Sage” 5/12/46 CBS, Frontier Gentleman “Advice to the Lovelorn” 5/18/58 CBS.
#1293, Drama, Seven Front Street "The Shiek" 5/4/47 MBS, Hollywood Star Time "Elmer the Great" 1/24/48 NBC.Tuned To Yesterday features programs from…
#1725, Western, Hollywood Star Time “Riders of the Purple Sage” 5/12/46 CBS, Frontier Gentleman “Advice to the Lovelorn” 5/18/58 CBS.Tuned To Yesterday…
It's the twenty-fourth episode of the Tuned to Yesterday Dialer podcast for the week of April 10 - 15, 2017.In this episode: Two ads in one can't help a…