Onondaga Community College is still looking to welcome students to a new manufacturing "clean room" this fall.
Construction is well underway and new tools from Micron sit in crates in what will eventually be a state-of-the-art clean room training center at OCC. While construction continues attention is shifting to the students and faculty that will help build an advanced manufacturing program. Now, OCC President Warren Hilton says the goal is to increase enrollment size.
"We ran a spring cohort of 18," Hilton said. "And now this year, we doubled that cohort from 36 to 72. In essence, taking the investment that the state gave us and expanding capacity. Now our next step is to produce more graduates. By providing the support services that those students need while they're here, in order to graduate."
Hilton said the ongoing construction is another tangible sign that Micron is full speed ahead in central New York. He says OCC is a big part of the future of the microchip manufacturers' role in the area.
"We've been continuing that our first graduates from that program will graduate in May with their associate's degree," Hilton said. "And from what I understand, at least eight of them have job offers with Micron to go to Boise or Virginia. To start their careers. And then when the chip fab is open here, they'll be able to transfer back here."
Hilton said he remains optimistic about the future of educational opportunities at OCC.
"All of this is going to continue to increase the numbers of students here, increase the workforce, the population," Hilton said.