Gov. Andrew Cuomo is releasing some of his proposals for the new year early, and one of them is a plan to ban polystyrene -- a plastic foam commonly known…
Advocates for clean drinking water say proposed new limits by the state Health Department for chemicals in the water supply that are linked to cancer and…
The former EPA regional administrator under President Barack Obama said scientists who leaked the report about further evidence of climate change to The…
Nearly 40 years ago John Weeks changed his ways as a floral bigot and decided to view weeds equal in beauty and purpose to noninvasive plants. This…
A new report from the conservative Empire Center, a fiscal watchdog, finds that New York state's Clean Energy Standard plan to boost renewable sources of…
Among the issues up for discussion in budget talks this year is an overhaul of New York’s Brownfield Cleanup Program. It offers tax breaks for the…
A key oversight board approved half of the amount Gov. Andrew Cuomo had sought for a loan from a clean water fund to help pay for the construction of the…
Environmentalists are urging a key review board to vote no on a request from the Cuomo administration to help finance the rebuilding of a major Thruway…
Environmental advocates are pressing the state legislature to renew a toxic site cleanup program before the session wraps up in a few days, even though…
National environmental groups are trying to focus the spotlight on Gov. Andrew Cuomo, over the issue of the growing international oil distribution center,…