SUNY Oswego inaugurates a new president on Friday, September 27. Dr. Peter Nwosu becomes the 11th president of the university since its founding in 1861. WRVO's Jessica Cain talked with Dr. Nwosu about a number of topics, including his journey to Oswego from his home country of Nigeria, his plan to double the number of awards the university gives out each year, and more.
This comes after the fire department has responded to a growing number of nuisance calls on campus — now totaling more than 300 a year since 2021.
The university canceled classes so students and faculty could watch the phenomenon.
National organizations like NASA are taking notice of SUNY Oswego's strong science programs ahead of next month's total solar eclipse.
SUNY Chancellor John King is announcing new efforts to improve some SUNY campuses' mental health services.
SUNY Oswego President Peter Nwosu announced the "Vision 4040" program, aimed at doubling annual graduates, during his first state of the university address.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is funding a research project led by Nick Sard, a Great Lakes biology professor at SUNY Oswego, to help native fish populations in the Great Lakes.
SUNY Oswego Professor Mohammad Tajvarpour developed and instructed one of the first ChatGPT courses in the nation. He was impressed with what students took away from the course.
Local psychologist Michelle Storie says parents can help ease the transition by reinstating routines and controlling the unknowns.