Norovirus, a type of stomach bug, has been detected in some CNY communities.
Harvard professor Dr. Eugene Richardson explores colonialism's impact on global health in Epidemic Illusions: On the Coloniality of Global Public Health.
Zoonotic pathogens, which include not only COVID-19 but HIV/AIDS and Ebola, have increasingly emerged because of stresses humans have placed on animal habitats, according to a United Nations report.
Scientists say accelerating deforestation and development may increase the risk of pandemic diseases. The current economic crisis may also make that trend worse if more people cut down trees for fuel.
The flu vaccine primes your body's immune system, so it's prepared to fight influenza. Getting vaccinated doesn't guarantee that you won't get the flu…
Just a couple of decades ago, many of us would have been stunned to hear that companies were installing nap pods or allowing their employees to work from…
Upstate Medical University has opened its cord blood bank, only the second facility of its kind in the state. Blood from umbilical cords is processed for…
Experts are re-examining whether to consider some slow-growing abnormalities of the thyroid gland as chronic diseases to monitor, rather than as cancers…
Doctors Harold Smulyan and Donald Blair (of Upstate University Hospital) look at the history of infective endocarditis -- an inflammation of the inner…
The under-construction Upstate Cord Blood Bank in Syracuse is expanding its scope.When ground broke for the Cord Blood Bank at Upstate University…