CRISPR is a tool that allows one to go into a person’s genome–which is the complete set of genes in a cell–and manipulate it to add, subtract or change a person’s genes.
Infertility affects about 10% of women ages 15-44 in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That's 6.1…
For today's latest in health segment, we look at solutions for two different kinds of patients -- one for those with genetic diseases and another for…
Some genetic abnormalities can be detected during gestation, some are recognized upon birth and others may go undetected because disorders caused by…
Researchers define happiness as consisting of two components: having a sense that your life is good and having relatively frequent happy experiences. But…
Cancer is a scary word and people are often reluctant to talk about. That can make it difficult to find out about your family history of the disease. And…
Adult immunization recommendations are based less on the age of a person and more on their individual medical conditions, explains Dr. John Epling,…
The State University of New York School of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse has figured out a way to grow an American chestnut tree that…
One of the many thoughts that arise when a genetic condition is diagnosed is if there’s a possibility that it would be passed on to children.This week on…