New York's Department of Environmental Conservation is warning of increased fire danger as much of the state sees warmer temperatures and lower humidity.
Wineries and environmental advocates say nearby company Greenidge Generation causes an environmental risk.
While methane doesn’t make up a large share of greenhouse gas emissions, it’s more harmful than carbon and other more common pollutants. And it can be curbed dramatically by plugging old wells that leak the gas.
Experts say be sure to dress warmly in layers and only fish on ice that’s at least four inches thick.
New York's ban on single-use plastic bags has been upheld in State Supreme Court after the plastics industry challenged it, and it will now take effect...
On March 1, grocery stores and other retail outlets will no longer be providing shoppers with single-use plastic bags, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s…
The state’s ban on most single-use plastic bags takes effect March 1, and over the holiday weekend, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s environmental agency released…
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is expected to soon release its management plans to combat harmful algal blooms in 12 lakes,…
According to Cornell University researchers, the black bear population is growing in parts of New York state. Scientists are continuing to track the black…
Gov. Andrew Cuomo called it the largest public acquisition of land in central New York in more than 45 years. The state now owns 6,000 acres of land along…